Have you been injured as the result of an accident in the Buckie area?
Do you live in or near Buckie, Moray?
Dealing with the aftermath of a personal injury can be very stressful.
Apart from the pain and suffering of the injuries, all sorts of complicating issues come up, including inability to work, loss of earnings and the inevitable money worries which follow on from that.
We recommend all injured persons to get specialist, local legal advice as soon as possible following an accident so that you understand your rights to claim for personal injury compensation.
We can help with specialist legal advice if you live in or near Buckie – or more widely in Moray.
We are personal injury claims solicitors at Grigor & Young, with offices in Elgin and Forres. Moray Claims is the trading name of Grigor & Young for personal injury claims services.
Our two specialist solicitors – Marie Morrison and Peter Brash – together have over 60 years’ experience in dealing with personal injury claims. Both Marie and Peter are accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as Specialists in Personal Injury Law and by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) as Senior Litigators. The Elgin office of Grigor & Young holds corporate accreditation from APIL.
How much does it cost to make a claim?
We do not charge for initial advice about a possible claim. Having said that, in some cases, our advice throughout the whole of the claim is free of charge.
We will not charge you anything at all if your claim is unsuccessful. If your claim succeeds and it is covered by legal aid, however, there is no cost to pay out of your compensation. In other words, under legal aid, you will receive 100% of your compensation, without deduction for legal fees or any other costs.
A significant point with personal injury claims handled on a “no win-no fee” basis is that you generally lose 20% of your compensation – as a result of what is called a “Success fee” – if your claim succeeds. 20 per cent is the maximum Success Fee permissible in Scottish no win-no fee cases.
At Moray Claims at Grigor & Young LLP, our specialist solicitors look to provide you with local advice. We aim to do this in such a way that your personal injury claim is free of charge if it fails, and, if it is successful, it will cost you no more than 10% of your compensation.
For no win-no fee claims in Scotland, “20 per cent off” has become the industry standard level of Success Fee. It means that, with us, only losing 10 per cent off our compensation is better deal from your point of view.
In a claim settled for £30,000, it’s the difference between you ending up with £24,000 in your hands or (with us) £27,000 in your hands.
You have nothing to lose by making an enquiry about a possible personal injury claim.
Initial enquiries are free of charge and without obligation. As discussed above, in most cases, in any event, our services are completely free of charge anyway.
Time limits apply to personal injury claims and so it is a good idea to get advice from a solicitor at the earliest possible opportunity. This helps because, for example, the evidence will still be fresh and the accident circumstances will be readily recalled by any witnesses. Memories fade over time. Important witnesses may move away from the area and be lost as a source of evidence.
It is never too early to contact your solicitor for advice.
Examples of people we have helped.
Below, you will find the factual circumstances of various cases we have dealt with over the last 10 years or so for clients who lived in Buckie or who suffered accidents in that part of Moray.
A Buckie resident injured by an acupuncture needle which was not removed at the time of her treatment while on a cruise at Madeira. This resulted in a leg wound and a considerable loss of enjoyment of the remainder of the holiday. The claim was based on vicarious liability.
A fabricator from Findochty, working in Buckie and injured while trimming excess welding material from a window frame, using the knife provided. The knife slipped and caused a deep laceration, damaging the tendon in the region of the thumb and index finger. This required an operation to repair the tendon. The claim succeeded on the basis of the failure to provide a safe system of work and to provide proper personal protective equipment (e.g. Kevlar gloves).
A welder/fabricator working for a window construction company in Buckie he was using a chop saw to cut steel for reinforcing the PVC frame of windows. The guard on the saw was defective and did not completely cover the blade. The sleeve of the worker’s boiler suit became entangled in the blade and his right hand was drawn into the blade. There was a risk that his hand would require to be amputated but it was possible to save it. He suffered extensive tendon damage and required to undergo 2 separate hospital operations. He sustained a deep wound to the dorsal-radial aspect of the right forearm. He also sustained significant soft tissue damage. Shards of steel in the wound required to be removed and tendons were repaired. He was left with significant scarring. He was off work for about 5 months.
Client comments
You can read client reviews of our personal injury claims services both on this website and on the Grigor & Young website.
How we can help you
You can call Peter or Marie on 01343 544077. Another method of getting in touch is via a Free Online Enquiry.
Access to justice is what matters.
The main thing that concerns us is to make sure that every injured person gets proper access to specialist, local legal advice on their rights and prospects of claiming successfully for personal injury compensation. We can provide that local helpline to you if you live in Moray and we would encourage you to get in touch with us if you have a personal injury claim in Buckie.