The internet and the television are overflowing with organisations competing for the business that could be generated by your personal injury claim.
In launching our brand “Moray Claims”, Grigor & Young are building on experience gained over more than 10 years in handling referrals from a national claims helpline which covered clients and accidents over the whole of the North of Scotland.
Our local knowledge can benefit you
What our experience has taught us is that we can offer the best service at lowest risk to ourselves where the accidents and / or injured persons concerned are geographically close to us.
For one thing, we have “local knowledge” in such situations that will often give us an advantage over just about any other solicitor who could handle the claim.
There are also economies that can be made where claims are locally-based that are of benefit to us and consequently can be made to be of benefit to you as a potential client.
In many cases – a service completely free of charge
One of these is the fact that it is more readily possible for us to guarantee clients that – in the event that their claim is successful – they will receive 100% of their compensation, without deduction.
Your interests first – whether we help you ourselves or refer you to someone who is better placed to help
Our aim primarily is to help you at a time when you need it most.
Fortunately, accidents are a relatively rare occurrence but it does mean that, for most injured people, it will be their “first time” and they will have no previous experience to fall back on. This is where our experience is a key benefit to you.
We are friendly, sympathetic and approachable and we are always happy to discuss matters with you on a “without obligation” basis.
If we don’t think we are the people best-placed to help you, we will tell you immediately and do our best to recommend alternative options that may be available to you.
How we can help you
Please get in touch by or calling us on 01343 544077 or sending a Free Online Enquiry.
You have nothing to lose by doing so and everything to gain: all enquiries are free of charge and without obligation.
Moray Claims is not just another accident claims company.