Nearly two-thirds of parents do not think their children have a good understanding of the dangers or concentrate properly near roads
That’s one of the findings of a YouGov survey commissioned by the Association of Personal Injuries for Injury Prevention Week 2020.
In the UK-wide study, parents of school-age children were asked to think about how confident they are about their child or children’s road safety awareness.
The child road safety survey results are as follows.
- 12% of parents are very worried about their children’s safety
- 17% of UK parents think their children know the rules but don’t concentrate when near roads
- 36% said they have some understanding of the dangers
The remainder said their children have a very good understanding of the dangers – which is great – but we want to address the near 2/3rds of parents who are not so confident.
Your biggest helper comes in the form of the Green Cross Code.
Arguably, it’s as important for children to learn as spelling and multiplication.
The Highway Code says that children should be taught the Green Cross Code and should not be allowed out alone until they can understand and use it properly.
This is particularly relevant at a time of year when children may be walking to school without a parent or guardian for the first time.
So, set a good example by using the Green Cross Code in the presence of your child to make sure they remain safe and develop road and traffic awareness.
The law makes allowances for children who are injured on the roads as pedestrians.
Children are generally judged according to the standard of road safety knowledge and awareness of the average or “reasonable” child of their age at the time.
Additionally, it’s well-established that children do not have the same spacial awareness or ability to judge the speed of approaching vehicles as adults.
But that’s no consolation if your child has been injured at all.
It emphasises the sense of maximising preventative measures and making sure your child gets a good grounding in the Green Cross Code as soon as possible.
How we can help
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